Check out what previous participants are saying about modern group work.
“Group gave me a new perspective on how I’m perceived by others, and permission to show up authentically. It’s made me feel confident and brave.”
“My biggest hope for participating in group was to not feel as alone. I really didn’t know what to expect in group therapy. What I did find is the importance of authentic communication, which starts with identifying what I feel and how to put that into words. It’s like the building blocks of connecting with another person.”
“I learned the importance of speaking how I felt. Doing so helps me connect with people on a much deeper level. After the first few months of group, I was in a comfortable place where I felt I could speak up more because of ever increasing trust that the consequences I could experience in my life outside of group would not happen in group. The group become a safe space to practice being real and speaking my mind. ”
“I had difficulty coming out of my shell for the first few groups, but over time found myself taking greater risks and ultimately being rewarded for that through more meaningful interactions with the others in my group. The more I showed up authentically, the more rewarding I found the sessions, with the result that I was making the choice to show up authentically more frequently. Formerly “risky”/edgy moves started to feel more natural, and I found myself making different choices outside of the group, as well.”
“I found group incredibly eye-opening and beneficial, I would recommend it wholeheartedly.”
“Group has been a very different experience in a good way. Having never been to a group therapy before, I enjoyed every part of it and want more.”
“After completing the 10 month group, I feel more secure in who I am as a person.”